Thursday, October 28, 2010

Interesting Things I've Learned

     I have learned many interesting things this year. I have learned that palm trees are tropical conifers. Another fact I learned is that trees actually have their own groups. Also, I have learned that those two groups are broad leaf, and conifer. I reviewed that pine trees are evergreens and oaks are deciduous. Another interesting thing I learned is: Without mucus your stomach would digest itself.
     Have you heard of the baobab tree? I think it's awesome! I learned about it this year. It served as a county jail for a while in Africa. It stores water, you can live in it once it matures because it hollows itself out, it has edible fruit, and you can make rope from its bark. Isn't it amazing? This is a great site, check it out....

Pine tree

Oak tree

Baobab tree

Baobab tree

Posted by Elijah


  1. COOL!!! I did not know any of that. :)

  2. You are such an interesting person! I didn't know that there were so many trees! And that one Baobab tree looks like it is either upside down, with the roots sticking up, or a wild hair do on a stump! hahahaha
    PS, I know I like to laugh with myself. I'm a weirdo...
